Hike Our Newest Trail Oct. 23
A Hike With a History Lesson
Join Land Trust directors Nate Cantwell and Bob Evenski for a hike of the new Waquaheag Trail at 1 p.m. Oct. 23.
The trail is named for the 17th Century Native American also known as Cherry, for whom Cherry Brook is named.
Hike leaders will introduce the new trail, share its history, and explain how the Land Trust prepared it for the public’s use. As part of that effort, volunteers designed and built a bridge over Cherry Brook. (Pictured.)
The two-hour hike is of moderate difficulty, with some steep areas. Hike leaders will wait for stragglers.
Directions: Look for flags marking the driveway at 84 Cherry Brook Rd. Enter the driveway; do not park on the road. You can park on the grass at the top of the driveway or, if your car is good on rough terrain, continue down the driveway.