Tuesday, March 25,2025, 6:30 pm
Location: 40 Dyer Ave. Canton
Registration Required
Join Xerces Society ambassador Lisa Newell for this informative program on pollinators and other insects.
Pollinators and other insects are essential to our environment. They’re necessary for the reproduction of over 85% of the world’s flowering plants including more than two-thirds of the world’s crop species.
This workshop will focus on the basic ecology of important native pollinators and what we can do to help save them. We’ll talk about what they need to survive and the four simple things we can all do in our own back yards: plant native plants, provide shelter, avoid pesticide use, and spread the word.
Spring is almost here! What are you going to do to Bring Back the Pollinators?!
This workshop is offered by the Canton Public Library with the support of the Canton Land Conservation Trust.
Lisa Newell is an Ambassador for the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, a volunteer education and outreach role. Lisa has a master’s degree in Public Health, but has spent the last 20+ years as a professional gardener, lecturer and grower of native plants. In 2022 Lisa started Rewild, a native plant nursery in Canton.
To Register: Click on the following link:
- https://cantonpubliclibrary.org/upcoming-programs/
- Scroll down in the 'Upcoming Programs' Section until you see the 'Bring Back the Pollinators' Event.
- Click the 'Register Now' and complete the form to register for the program.