Photographer 11 Swan 1 800x800
Photographer 6 Swan 1 800x800
Photographer 9 Tommy Ryan trail 800x800
Trout lily Swan Preserve Apr 2016 800x800

Photo Credits

Photographer 11 Swan 1 800x800

Many thanks to the following CLCT members whose photos are displayed throughout the website! Their photos showcase the conservation, recreation, education, maintenance efforts, and history of the lands that we cherish.

  • Betsy Ash
  • Carey Bell
  • Laura Benys
  • Judy Cantwell
  • Nate Cantwell
  • Lori Davison
  • Gail Deutsch
  • Anne Duncan
  • Bill Duncan
  • Sarah Faulkner
  • Holly Hambleton
  • Adam and Christopher Krupa-Schayer
  • Phil Philbrick
  • Bill Porri
  • Peter Reynolds
  • Stephen Shaw
  • Theresa Sullivan-Barger
  • David Tefft
  • Ann Turner
  • Travis Turner
  • Will Vincent

Send Us Your Photos!

You are all invited to submit photos for consideration to be displayed on our website. Here’s how:


  • Open to anyone
  • Photo must be taken on a Canton Land Trust trail or property.
  • Please identify the property, approximate location and date taken (does not have to be in 2022).
  • We are interested in images from all four seasons.


  • You can not include any copyrighted material or commercial clip art elements.
  • Images must be your own and in good taste.
  • Images must be appropriate for family viewing. The following items will not be permitted: nudity, guns or other weapons, items or scenes that portray violence, and profanity.
  • Any image of a recognizable individual(s) will need a signed release (this can be handled later).
  • By submitting your photos, you are agreeing that the Canton Land Conservation Trust may publicly share your name and your photo(s), including but not limited to their websites and social media pages.
  • Digital enhancements may not be used.
  • The Canton Land Conservation Trust may crop and/or resize the photo(s) to fit properly on our websites and social media pages.
  • Acceptable formats: PNG, JPG, and TIF

What to do?

  1. Send an email to: [email protected]
  2. Subject line: CLCT Photos for Website
  3. Body: Identify the photographer, the names of any identifiable individuals in the photo, the location of the photo, the date, and any pertinent details
  4. The Canton Land Conservation Trust will notify you if we plan to use your photo(s) on the website
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