Roaring Brook Nature Center Trails

Explore the trails

  • Werner Pond trail: 0.5 miles, red blazes easy
  • Dish Mill Pond trail: .25 miles, light blue blazes, moderate
  • Purple trail: 0.1 miles, purple blazes, easy
  • Hillside trail: 0.5 miles, blue blazes, moderate
  • Ridge trail: 0.25 miles, orange blazes, moderate
  • Quarry trail: 1.0 miles, yellow blazes, moderate
  • Plantation trail: 0.75 miles, gray blazes, moderate
  • Orchard trail: 0.5 miles, green blazes, moderate
  • Upper cut-across: short, white blazes, easy
  • Lower cut across: short, white blazes easy

Dog Policy

  • Dogs must be leashed at all times on the property.

Please be considerate to other hikers and trail neighbors - clean up after your dog and take litter with you.

Directions & parking

The trails can be accessed from the Roaring Brook Nature Center located at 70 Gracey Rd., Canton, CT.

History of the property

Roaring Brook Nature Center was founded in 1948 by Canton resident Una Storrs Riddle and was originally known as the Canton Children’s Nature Museum. In 1964, as a result of a bequest to the State of Connecticut, the adjacent 100-acre Werner Farm became available to the Nature Center as a wildlife sanctuary and outdoor classroom. A new building in 1966 provided larger exhibit space and allowed for expanded programming opportunities. In 1973, the Nature Center became affiliated with The Children's Museum (formerly the Science Center of Connecticut), providing members with a wider range of programs and services for all ages

Roaring Brook Nature Center maintains several trails that traverse the state owned Werner's Woods property. The Nature Center uses local Scout troops and volunteers to clear the trees/brush to address the ever increasing concern with invasive species and to work on habitat enhancements for wildlife.

Learn more about Roaring Brook Nature Center at


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